See What Top performers have to say

After working with our team, our clients love the results

Our Clients

Dr. Jason Selk

Tony Christianson

Shannon Bahrke

Serial Entrepreneur

Michael Walding

Dr. Ellen Reed

Doug Berry

Brad Schwartz

Selk teaches you to develop the mental toughness needed to thrive on adversity.

Bobby Gassoff Lieutenant Commander, Navy Seal

I’ve seen Jason Selk speak a number of times. He is always a high rated, if not the highest rated speaker, at those events. In addition to his fascinating stories and examples, which made for an entertaining speech, his message was exactly what our audience needed to hear. It’s been more than two years, and people are still talking about his powerful RSF (Relentless Solution Focus) concept.

Shep Hyken Former President of National Speakers Association and Best-Selling Author

“It was fabulous, I wish that I would have done this sooner. This is going to be tough, but I am committed to mastering it and allowing it help drive my days and weeks and months… “

Pat Pittman Financial Advisor

“Best I’ve ever been to…. Including Bobby Knight and Tom Izzo. Scheduled 17 appts in 2 days. 3 with “Elephants.” I’m 25 ahead for the first time in a long….. time.”

Jason Mays Financial Advisor

“Life changing. Jason is the correct prescription for what ailed me. I look forward to another great year of positive metamorphosis. Thanks for the continual encouragement and support. On to awesomeness!”

Sean Sinnott Financial Advisor at Northwestern Mutual

“I am proud to say that I was able to finally achieve my long-range commission goal of $1.5M at the end of March. I did so by finishing strong, bringing in approximately $9M Jan-April and I have had 3 Best Months Ever with another coming in April! You have helped me bring out my best efforts in reaching goals and helping me understand that I just don’t know the limit to my capabilities.”

Erica Sarrazolla Financial Advisor

“Jason’s presentation was amazing!! I had a great time and I learned a lot about myself, and how I need to focus more on PROCESS. Thank you for convincing me to go—I am glad that I did.”

Bush Gess Financial Advisor / Recruiting Field Director at Northwestern Mutual

We booked Jason for multiple conferences. He was always our top rated speaker in the survey results. He provides a very motivational and insightful message with tangible takeaways for the audience.

Christine Nathan, CMP Global Events Manager, Fiserv

The decision to work with Dr. Selk is among the most important and impactful I’ve ever made. In just over a year I’ve increased my income over 5x, have lost half my body-fat (literally half), and wake up each day with a focus, optimism, and drive that I hadn’t experienced since I was a young, hungry 21-year-old. There are a lot of resources out there. Many are quite good. But if I could tell my younger self to only listen to one success strategist – it would be Dr. Selk, no questions asked.

David Roller Partner at Galileo Ventures

Selk lays it all out there in his brilliant book, Relentless Solution Focus. I am admirer of his work and teachings.

Jim Rome Iconic Sports Radio and Television Host

Ellen helped my mental game become efficient and effective in realizing my full athletic potential. When everything is on the line, it takes a powerful and committed mind to execute the plan flawlessly. Ellen helped me to simplify and amplify my mental game so I became the most efficient, confident, resilient version of myself! And when the clock was running out, and stress was high, I was able to execute flawlessly!

Vera Schmitz, Elite Pole Vaulter and Olympic Trials Finalist

The single greatest factor contributing to my success has been working with Dr. Reed. Early in my career, she gave me the tools to fight through the fear of failure and to achieve in ways I would have otherwise thought unavailable. Now that I have reached higher levels in my career, she has given me the tools to discover the opportunities no one else can see.

Patrick Reed, Edward Jones Director

Dr. Ellen Reed has helped me adopt the Relentless Solution Focus mindset and apply it in my everyday life. Her unique coaching style has allowed me to grow and achieve success both on and off the field. We’ve created a mental workout that challenges me to find solutions for improvement and gives me confidence to perform at a high level.

Tom Barlow, Professional Soccer Player for the New York Redbulls

You want your coach to be someone you actually feel comfortable talking to, and someone who knows how to help you get RESULTS! That’s Dr. Ellen. She combines presence, warmth, and expertise like no one else.

Vaughn Kohler, Author, Podcast host, Consultant

Ellen’s coaching has helped me develop mental toughness — not just in my sport, but also in all areas of life. I’ve learned how to respond to stressful situations, Perform under pressure, and direct my focus so I can improve myself every day. Thanks to her, I transformed my skiing career from a World Rank in the low 30sand an ACL tear to a World Rank of #4 and my first Olympic Games. More importantly, Ellen’s mental coaching has been absolutely crucial in helping me become a better friend, daughter, and human being!

Olivia Giaccio, Olympic Skier

The single greatest factor contributing to my success has been working with Dr. Reed. Early in my career, she gave me the tools to fight through the fear of failure and to achieve in ways I would have otherwise thought unavailable. Now that I have reached higher levels in my career, she has given me the tools to discover the opportunities no one else can see.

Edward Jones

As a student-athlete, I am constantly being called upon to perform at the highest level, both in the classroom and on the track. My sophomore year, I was so overwhelmed and stressed with homework, tests, practices, and races that I physically could not perform. My confidence was low; my grades were suffering and the results of my cross country races did not reflect the work I was putting in. It was at this low point in my life that I sought the help of Dr. Reed. She helped me look at the big picture and re-prioritize my life. She enabled me to reach my full potential by showing me that success lies in the day-to-day process, not necessarily in the end result, and gave me the tools I needed to develop true mental toughness. After just a few visits with Dr. Reed, I was a happier, more fulfilled person, and I started seeing incredibly positive results of my hard work. I don’t know where I would be today without Dr. Reed – there’s no question that she changed my life!

Elite College Athlete

It is clear that your methods for the mental workout are very effective. It has clearly given my daughter tremendous confidence. She is genuinely excited on the drive to your office. In addition, speaking with you is clearing her mind and relieving stress because she feels comfortable and engaged with you about this difficult subject to express with us or others. It is clear that parents, grandparents, coaches, etc. cannot provide what you are providing for her. Thanks, again.

child athlete experiencing a mental block

Ellen helped my mental game become efficient and effective in realizing my full athletic potential. When everything is on the line, it takes a powerful and committed mind to execute the plan flawlessly. Ellen helped me to simplify and amplify my mental game so I became the most efficient, confident, resilient version of myself! And when the clock was running out, and stress was high, I was able to execute flawlessly!

Elite Pole Vaulter and Olympic Trials Finalist

I have been working with Dr. Ellen Reed for two years. The RSF program provides a blueprint for personal growth – and an opportunity to push each day to maximum productivity. The concept is brought to life with personal coaching that is based on agreed upon strategy and execution plans. Dr. Reed provides a steady, informed and personal approach to the process. Ultimately, success is what happens outside of the room – but I found each session to be a useful and informative build.

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